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Unlocking prosperity through ecological innovation in Wenzhou

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: November 28, 2023

Wenzhou's pursuit of ecological civilization is yielding remarkable results.

In Yueqing's Xiashantou village, a unique approach to cultivating dendrobium catenatum in an artificial forest setting has bolstered the local economy. 

This innovative model, integrating cultivation and ecological preservation, has not only revitalized 173.33 hectacres, or 2,600 mu, of land but also generated significant income, turning green hills into a sustained source of economic income.


A bower erected in lakeside park in Pingyang county. [Photo/66wz.com]

Cangnan county's Yanpu bay exemplifies a coexistence model, planting mangroves to enhance water quality and supporting ecological aquaculture. This approach has not only reinvigorated the bay but also provided local villagers with an annual income exceeding 14 million yuan through the breeding of fish, crabs and nori.

In Pingyang county's Zhouyang village, environmental upgrades and a newly-built campsite have turned it into a thriving tourist destination. The village's economic improvement is evident during cultural festivals, attracting thousands of visitors and boosting incomes for local businesses.

The county's comprehensive water environment improvement, incorporating ecological restoration and floating islands, exemplifies the successful integration of ecological development and rural revitalization.

Wenzhou's journey towards ecological prosperity demonstrates the harmonious synergy of nature and economy, unlocking new opportunities and paving the way for sustainable development.

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