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Wenzhou Dongtou designated as Chinese summer tourism destination

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: January 17, 2024


An aerial view of Dongtou district in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province. [Photo/wzrb.com.cn]

The China Meteorological Administration designated Wenzhou's Dongtou district as a summer tourism destination in 2023. It was the only place in Zhejiang province and the only island district among the 32 selected areas nationwide.

Dongtou district has a cool and comfortable climate in summer, with no overly-hot days. June is the most popular month for summer tourism in Dongtou, with an average temperature of 23.9 C and an average maximum temperature of 26.7 C.

It also has a healthy ecological environment, with low risk of strong convective weather and high air and water quality.

Dongtou is also rich in tourist attractions, including natural landscapes and meteorological events such as cloud seas and rainbows.

Summer is the peak season for tourism in Dongtou, accounting for about 40 percent of the annual visitors.

The summer tourism designation is a measure of the overall appeal of a place's summer climate and ecological resources.

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