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Wenzhou tourism booms during Spring Festival

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: February 19, 2024


Yandang Mountain Scenic Area in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province. [Photo/Li Chongxiang]

Wenzhou welcomed 14.34 million tourists during the Spring Festival holiday, doubling the previous year's figure. The city's tourism revenue reached 5.91 billion yuan ($821.82 million), ranking second in Zhejiang province.

The average stay time of overnight tourists was 4.7 days, the highest in the province. Most of the tourists were local, accounting for 65.7 percent of the total, while 34.3 percent came from outside the city.

The city's total consumption also boomed during the holiday, amounting to 14.84 billion yuan, up 21.28 percent year-on-year. Nighttime consumption totaled 5.9 billion yuan, up 26.41 percent year-on-year.

The consumption totals for the four major industries of retail, catering, accommodation and entertainment in the city reached 10.42 billion yuan, up 11.85 percent year-on-year. Among them, catering consumption amounted to 2.816 billion yuan, a surge of 97.92 percent year-on-year.

The Nanxi River Scenic Area, Yandang Mountain Scenic Area, and Nantang Cultural Tourism Area in the city, with an average daily reception of 400,000, 148,000, and 99,000, respectively, ranked second, sixth and tenth in the top 10 scenic spots in Zhejiang province in terms of average daily visits during the Spring Festival holiday.

According to data from Maoyan, as of 8 pm on Feb 17, Wenzhou box office sales during the Spring Festival exceeded 70 million yuan, with more than 1.33 million moviegoers, ranking 21st in the country.

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