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Wenzhou's 20-year-old athlete wins national championship

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: March 4, 2024


Wang Renda in a competition. [Photo/wzrb.com.cn]

Wenzhou's Wang Renda, a 20-year-old former gymnast, has triumphed at the National Freestyle Skiing Aerials Championship in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, claiming the men's individual aerials title. This marks his second national title in three months, cementing his place among China's elite aerial skiers.

Transitioning from gymnastics to winter sports five years ago, Wang has embraced the challenges of ski aerials, a sport that demands agility and acrobatic prowess. His recent victory is a personal redemption following his two silvers at the 14th National Winter Games, putting him one step closer to his dream of competing in the 2026 Milan Winter Olympics.

Wang's journey from gymnastics to ski aerials is a testament to his adaptability and determination. Despite the initial challenges of switching disciplines, he has found common ground between the sports, utilizing his gymnastic skills to excel on the snow and in the air. His dedication to improvement is evident as he meticulously analyzes training videos to refine his technique.

On March 8, Wang will head to Kazakhstan to compete in the 2023-2024 Freestyle Skiing World Cup. "I'm still in the rising phase of my winter sports career, so I need to take each competition seriously, improve my skills, and aim for the world championships and the Olympics," stated Wang.

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