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Pingyang leads in e-commerce sales

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: April 29, 2024


A view of Pingyang county in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province. [Photo/tidenews.com.cn]

Pingyang county in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province, has witnessed remarkable growth in the e-commerce sector. During the first quarter of this year, the county generated an impressive 50.1 billion yuan ($6.91 billion) in online retail sales, marking a 15.2-percent year-on-year growth.

This feat places Pingyang at the forefront among the 26 mountainous counties in the province in terms of total online sales, surpassing the second-ranked county by more than 6 billion yuan.

This success can be attributed to Pingyang's strategic planning in the e-commerce sector, focusing on cultivating talent, improving infrastructure, and creating conducive business environments.

A local entrepreneur surnamed Yi exemplifies Pingyang's e-commerce boom. After gaining experience in Nanjing's e-commerce scene, Yi returned to Pingyang and operated a store in the Pingyang Cultural and Stationery E-commerce Industrial Park. Yi's store achieved impressive sales figures of nearly 3 million yuan in the first quarter of this year.

In 2023, the sales of the Pingyang Cultural and Stationery E-commerce Industrial Park reached 50 million yuan.

Furthermore, Pingyang has actively engaged with e-commerce enterprises outside the county, attracting them back with favorable policies and services. As a result, 32 e-commerce companies have returned to Pingyang, bringing back 168 e-commerce operation teams.

With continued support and collaboration, Pingyang is poised to further solidify its position as a leading e-commerce hub in the region.

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