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Seabirds flock to Dongtou's Luxi Bird Island

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: June 5, 2024


Thousands of seabirds fly over the Luxi Bird Island in Wenzhou's Dongtou district. [Photo/wzrb.com.cn]

On the 53rd World Environment Day, Luxi Bird Island in Wenzhou's Dongtou district became a hub of avian activity. 

The island, a provincial-level marine bird island nature reserve, is currently experiencing the peak of seabird nesting and breeding season, offering a breathtaking display of thousands of birds in flight.

Luxi Bird Island's advantageous location, rich in marine life and boasting ample seafood, provides an ideal habitat for over 10,000 birds of 63 species, including several nationally and provincially protected species. The island's lush vegetation and shrubbery offer perfect nesting grounds for a variety of birds.

A representative from the Dongtou natural resources and planning bureau noted that migratory birds typically stay on the island from May to September, breeding two to four times annually, with the peak around the Dragon Boat Festival. During this period, thousands of seagulls create a spectacular sight over the southern part of the island.

The island's distinct landscapes, divided into north and south, each offer unique bird-watching experiences. The northern part, with its dense vegetation and forests planted in the 1950s, is particularly attractive to forest birds.

To enhance the visitor experience, Luxi Bird Island has set up multiple bird-watching spots and offers guided tours that delve into the island's natural beauty and cultural history. Future plans include the construction of onshore bird-watching platforms with high-powered telescopes and VR holographic observation facilities.

Last year, Dongtou launched the Luxi Bird Island sea tour, which received high praise. The upgraded sea tour, which was launched on May 18, has seen a surge in reservations with an average boat occupancy rate of 51 percent.

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