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Overseas Chinese man from Wenzhou harvests waxberries in Italy

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: July 19, 2024

The town of Piscina, southwest of Turin, Italy, is abuzz with excitement as over 200 waxberry trees planted by Wencheng native Wu Changda are ready for harvest. Visitors to Wu's farm are often surprised to find waxberries thriving in northern Italy.

Wu, originally from Yuhu town in Wencheng county, Wenzhou, moved to Italy in 2007, where he worked at a local quarry for eight years. In 2015, he brought 10 waxberry trees from his hometown to Italy, embarking on a journey to cultivate waxberries abroad.

He initially faced challenges, with some trees dying shortly after being planted. After consulting agricultural experts in Italy and China, Wu learned that waxberries thrive in humid, subtropical climates, unlike Italy's hot, dry Mediterranean summers. The trees required manual irrigation.

With expert guidance, Wu carefully managed his orchard. By the end of the first year, five of the original trees survived, boosting his confidence. He then expanded his efforts, planting over 1,300 trees, with more than 500 surviving. Currently, over 200 trees are bearing fruit, primarily the Dongkui variety, as well as some Heitan waxberries.

Wu's farm is unique in the Turin area, where many Chinese expatriates have farms, as he is the only one growing waxberries.

During the harvest season, Wu's farm attracts visitors from nearby areas and even all the way from Milan, eager to taste the waxberries.

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