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Wenzhou medical training program welcomes trainees from 12 African countries

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: July 31, 2024


Trainees from 12 African countries participate in the training program. [Photo/tidenews.com.cn]

The fifth "Angel of Life for Africa" African Midwifery Assistant Training Program began at Wenzhou Medical University on July 29.

Over 30 trainees from 12 African countries, including Nigeria, Liberia, Zimbabwe, and Egypt, participated in the event. The program aims to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality rates in Africa and strengthen medical aid and exchange.

Africa struggles with poor maternal and child health due to inadequate public health infrastructure and insufficient government investment. To address this, Wenzhou Medical University, in collaboration with the Tanzania-China Friendship Association and Anbo Zhiyuan International Cultural Development (Beijing) Co Ltd, launched the "Angel of Life for Africa" program in 2018. This year, the program received support from the Yang Hong Charity Foundation and has trained nearly 300 Africans from 21 countries.

One trainee highlighted the dire situation in rural Tanzania, where many children are orphans due to inadequate midwifery services. The trainee hopes to share the knowledge gained in China with others and encourages more Chinese medical staff to assist in Africa.

"China's government plays an irreplaceable role in promoting global health development. Its medical aid to African countries not only demonstrates its strong sense of responsibility as a major power but also helps to deepen the friendship and cooperation between China and Africa," praised Miraji Ukuti Ussi, Tanzanian Minister to China, at the event. 

The two-week training session includes courses on midwifery nursing, obstetrics theory, traditional Chinese medicine, and obstetric emergency response. Trainees will also practice midwifery in hospitals and receive a certificate of completion from Wenzhou Medical University upon passing the assessment.

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