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Wenzhou natives drive from New York to Wenzhou

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: August 21, 2024


Wenzhou natives pose for a photo when driving back to Wenzhou. [Photo/wzrb.com.cn]

In the early 1990s, Qiu Keliang from Wenzhou embarked on a journey to the United States to pursue a business career. Over 30 years later, as the honorary president of the USA Jiangzhe Chamber of Commerce & Industry, he organized a unique homecoming trip to reconnect with his roots.

On June 30, Qiu and 15 fellow Wenzhou natives set off from New York in a convoy of cars, aiming to drive 25,000 kilometers back to Wenzhou. This relay drive would take them through over 20 countries in 49 days.

The journey began with a lively send-off in front of the Great China Supermarket in Flushing, New York, as the convoy headed towards Vancouver, Canada.

Qiu has been dreaming of the trip for eight years. In 2016, he drove across the US, which ignited his desire to drive back to Wenzhou. Although the plan was delayed due to the pandemic, he revived it this year, receiving enthusiastic support from Wenzhou natives worldwide.

The journey was divided into three stages: New York to Vancouver, Vancouver to Europe, and Europe to Wenzhou via Kazakhstan and Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region. Despite challenges like navigating the remote western areas in the US and a shipping issue in Vancouver, the team remained determined. They flew to Europe and continued their drive, overcoming language barriers and unfamiliar roads.

Throughout the trip, they connected with Wenzhou communities, celebrated their heritage, and promoted Wenzhou-made products.

On Aug 17, after 49 days, they finally arrived in Wenzhou, welcomed by the warmth and support of their fellow Wenzhou natives. The journey was not just an adventure but a testament to the enduring spirit and unity of the Wenzhou people.

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