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Wenzhou highlights people-to-people exchanges

ezhejiang.gov.cn|Updated: February 17, 2025


A total of 10 organizations and individuals are honored as "Wenzhou People-to-People Diplomacy Friendship Ambassadors". [Photo/66wz.com]

The Wenzhou People-to-People Diplomacy Promotion Center was launched on Feb 15, marking a new milestone in the city's international engagement.

The inauguration took place during an international salon about people-to-people diplomacy, where discussions explored the formation of a China-foreign think tank to support Wenzhou's global development.

Wenzhou has a long history of people-to-people diplomacy, fostering ties through economic exchanges, medical aid, overseas outreach, and cultural programs. The new center will organize global exchange events and facilitate cooperation in culture, trade, and education. The planned think tank will bring together experts and scholars to provide policy insights and strategic guidance for Wenzhou's internationalization efforts.

At the event, 10 organizations and individuals were honored as "Wenzhou People-to-people Diplomacy Friendship Ambassadors", and 10 expats were appointed as "Internationalization Experience Officers". The individuals have played key roles in cross-cultural initiatives, from bilingual education and sports diplomacy to cultural heritage promotion and international business ties.

During the discussion, experienced officers shared ideas on enhancing Wenzhou's global connectivity, including partnering with top universities and integrating smart technology into local industries. City officials pledged to incorporate the suggestions into future policies.

Additionally, the "Chinese Cloud Classroom" project was launched to provide online Chinese lessons for expats, fostering deeper engagement with Wenzhou's culture and international community building.

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