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Huzhou builds communication platform for high-end talents

ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: July 12, 2018 L M S

Huzhou in East China's Zhejiang province recently launched a communication platform where skilled workers in the city can share resources and exchange insights with each other.

The platform, called "Home of Talents", is part of Huzhou's innovative measures to provide quality services for skilled workers. It will invite scholars and experts from renowned universities and companies to give lectures on policy interpretation, innovation and entrepreneurship, and host training sessions for the skilled workers regularly.

The first activity as part of the "Home of Talents" platform saw more than 30 foreign skilled workers taking part.

In recent years, the Huzhou government has made significant progress in improving services for skilled workers, including streamlining application procedures for work permits, establishing one-stop services to assist workers with daily life issues, and ensuring healthcare, education and housing for the workers and their families.


Dozens of skilled workers gather at the "Home of Talents" in Huzhou, Zhejiang province. [Photo/VCG]