Hangzhou holds key meeting to explore B&R city cooperation
The first general assembly of Belt and Road Local Cooperation Committee is held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province on Dec 3. [Photo/chinanews.com.cn]
More than 150 representatives and government leaders from 20 countries worldwide gathered in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, for the first general assembly of the Belt and Road Local Cooperation (BRLC) Committee, on Dec 3.
The assembly, which reviewed the achievements since the committee's establishment, approved the organization structure and leadership and formulated the future work plan, and attracted members from countries including Indonesia, South Korea, Germany, Japan, Italy, Ireland and Croatia.
Tri Rismaharini, president of UCLG-ASPAC and mayor of Surabaya (Indonesia) makes a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the first general assembly of the Belt and Road Local Cooperation Committee in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province on Dec 3. [Photo/chinanews.com.cn]
"The BRLC Committee will provide great opportunities for cities and local governments to upgrade infrastructure and advance economic development, as well as help them to share their experiences in addressing global challenges," said Tri Rismaharini, president of UCLG-ASPAC at the opening ceremony, adding that she hoped the meeting would be a win-win outcome and bring benefits to people of all countries.