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Zhejiang strengthens reform to enhance social governance

ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: January 9, 2020 L M S

East China's Zhejiang province has been committed to promoting its "At Most One Stop" reform to enhance public dispute settlements and social governance since this year, an upgraded version of its "At Most One Visit" reform that the province initiated in 2016 to streamline administrative procedures for companies and individuals.

The "At Most One Stop" reform aims to handle public disputes more efficiently by requiring people to visit only one place to have their dispute resolved. Remarkable progress has been seen since the reform was carried out this year.

A local resident in Putuo district, Zhoushan accidentally stumbled over a well lid on the street earlier this year. She had her case resolved at the local social governance comprehensive service center within less than half a day and successfully received compensation for her medical expenses.


The social governance comprehensive service center in Putuo district, Zhoushan, Zhejiang province [Photo/zj.ifeng.com]

The center, known as the "Complaint Supermarket," integrates 15 service windows for various purposes, such as litigation, legal aid, and medical dispute settlement. It encompasses 12 professional organizations for mediating disputes regarding a variety of issues like maritime affairs and family conflicts.

A similar center was established in Tonglu county, Hangzhou, which took only one hour to settle a local resident's case involving a problem with his house door.

"Previously, public complaints were accepted by related authorities before being assigned to different divisions, which is not only time consuming, but will also lead to divisions shuffling responsibilities," said Chen Yongchun, deputy director of the county's bureau for complaints handling, adding that the "Complaint Supermarket" enables people to enjoy one-stop services for their dispute settlement.

"We hope all the public's problems can find their solutions here, just like a supermarket where people can find anything they want," Chen added.

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