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Elusive Northern lapwing spotted in Tongxiang

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated : Dec 28, 2023


The Northern lapwing. [Photo/WeChat account: tongxiangfabu]

In a picturesque display of vibrant plumage, a group of avian residents recently graced the village of Hongqiyang in Tongxiang, Jiaxing.

The colorful birds, with their phoenix-like crowns and crimson feet, are Northern lapwings, affectionately referred to as the avian world's "foodie".

Photographer and local resident Dong Chongfei shared his excitement, as this marked his first encounter with the bird in Tongxiang after three days of patient observation.

The birds have a penchant for devouring locusts and help to keep locust populations in check. They have versatile and adaptive feeding habits – in hilly regions, they adapt their diet to include snails and earthworms, while in watery habitats, their preference is fish, shrimp, and even frog.

As Tongxiang's ecological environment continues to flourish, more wildlife has been spotted in the region. Notable wildlife sightings in Tongxiang also include the Asian barred owlet and Pheasant-tailed jacana, both designated as nationally protected species.

In light of the discoveries, local authorities emphasize the importance of wildlife conservation. Citizens are urged to observe the creatures from a respectful distance, while refraining from disturbing of feeding them.

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