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Jiaxing delegation's journey across Vietnam, Indonesia, Japan

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated : Jun 27, 2024

Mayor Li Jun led a delegation from Jiaxing on a diplomatic mission to Vietnam, Indonesia, and Japan from June 17 to 26, aiming to foster closer ties, explore economic opportunities, and initiate collaborative projects.

In Vietnam, Li met with key officials and business leaders to discuss the importance of deepening cooperation between the two sides. The delegation also visited local companies, reflecting Jiaxing's commitment to expanding industrial cooperation and promoting comprehensive exchanges in trade and industry.

Indonesia, renowned as a key destination for Jiaxing's outward investments, hosted the delegation on June 21 for an insightful investment forum. Mayor Li encouraged Jiaxing enterprises to seize opportunities brought about by initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative.

The delegation also met with the Indonesian Directorate General of Customs to discuss optimizing customs clearance and advancing mutual recognition of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) status.

The visit to Japan aimed to attract advanced technologies and innovative projects to Jiaxing. Mayor Li expressed optimism about achieving new milestones in cooperation with Japanese companies. He reiterated Jiaxing's commitment to supporting Japanese companies operating in Jiaxing, ensuring a conducive environment for investment, entrepreneurship, and sustainable growth.
