
Application for foreign-related marriage registration

Updated : Jun 24, 2024 L M S

Form: On-site application

Location: Marriage registration hall at Liandu district civil affairs bureau, Lishui, Zhejiang province 

Time: 8:30 am-12:00 am and 2:00 pm-5:00 pm, Monday to Friday

Tel: 0578-2278029

Application requirements:

(1) The marriage registration office has jurisdiction (one party is a resident with household registration in Lishui and the other party is a foreigner).

(2) Both parties intending to marry must apply together at the registration office.

(3) The male applicant must be at least 22 years old, and the female applicant must be at least 20 years old.

(4) Both parties must be unmarried, divorced, or widowed.

(5) Both parties must not have direct blood relations or collateral blood relations within three generations.

(6) Both parties must consent to the marriage.

(7) Both parties must submit three recent half-body, bareheaded, 2-inch (3.5 cm*5.3 cm) photos.

(8) Both parties must possess valid documents for marriage registration.

(9) If materials submitted to the marriage registration office are in a foreign language, they must be translated into Chinese. Translated texts from Chinese embassies (consulates) or qualified translation agencies are acceptable.

Foreigners applying for marriage registration must submit:

(1) Valid passport or other valid international travel documents.

(2) A certificate of no spouse issued by the notary organization or competent authorities in the applicant's country, authenticated by the Chinese embassy (consulate) in that country or by the embassy (consulate) of that country in China. A certificate issued by the said foreign country's embassy (consulate) in China is also acceptable.

(3) If a third party is entrusted to handle the certificate of no spouse and it is authenticated by the Chinese embassy (consulate) in the said foreign country, it is acceptable.

(4) Certificates issued by countries without diplomatic relations with China must be authenticated by the embassy (consulate) of a third country in the applicant's country or China, or by the Chinese embassy (consulate) in the third country. The third country must be a country that has diplomatic relations with both the applicant's country and China.

This article is a translation of the policies of Liandu district civil affairs bureau.