
Foreign-related adoption registration

Updated : Jun 25, 2024 L M S

Form: On-site application  

Location: Zhejiang Civil Affairs Bureau, Xihu district, Hangzhou, Zhejiang province  

Time: Monday to Friday, 8:30 am-12:00 am, 2:00 pm-5:30 pm (2:30 pm-6:00 pm from July 1 to Sept 15)

Tel: 0571-81050583

1. Foreigners wishing to adopt children in China must personally handle the registration procedures within the country. Representation by others is not permissible. In cases where a couple jointly adopts, both parties must be present for the adoption procedures.

2. Foreigners must enter into a written adoption agreement with the placing persons.

3. Both parties involved in the adoption must complete the adoption registration in the provincial civil affairs department where the adoptee's household registration is located.

4. Both parties must fill out an application form for foreigners adopting children in China and submit the adoption agreement.  

  The adopter is required to provide the following documents:  

  - Notification letter for adopting children in China issued by the China Centre for Children's Welfare and Adoption 

  - Identity documents and photos 

  The placing persons are required to provide the following documents:  

  - Notification of consent for the child to be adopted issued by a provincial civil affairs department  

  - Household registration book and identity card of the placing persons (if the placing person is a social welfare organization, the identity documents of the person-in-charge) and photos of the adoptee

5. Upon receiving the application and the relevant documents, the adoption registration authority must review the documents within seven days from the following day and issue an adoption registration certificate if the application complies with regulations. The adoption relationship is established from the date of registration.

The adoption registration authority should also inform the China Centre for Children's Welfare and Adoption of the registration results.

About the organization

The China Centre for Children's Welfare and Adoption was approved by the Chinese government in December 1995 and officially established by the Ministry of Civil Affairs in June 1996. Entrusted by the Chinese government, the center is responsible for foreign-related adoption services.

This article is a translation of the policies of Zhejiang Civil Affairs Bureau.