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Italian professor dedicated to intl education in Changshan

ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: November 20, 2018 L M S


Carlo Socol instructs a student to practice the technique of repairing a device. [Photo/zjol.com.cn]

Carlo Socol, an Italian professor specializing in automobile repairing, has dedicated himself to educating students at a polytechnic in Changshan county, Zhejiang province for nearly 10 years.

In 2009, Socol decided upon dedicating himself to educating students looking to work in the automobile repair industry, "I'd been engaged in comparing the education in China and other countries for a few years, and gained some understandings. But at that time I thought there should be more practices."

Taking the suggestion from a Changshan expert, he invited a delegation of Italian and German professionals to inspect the county in 2010 and analyzed the feasibility of starting an international project here. With the help of Zhejiang University who acted as a go-between for the cooperation, Socol made the decision to settle the project at a polytechnic in Changshan and invested over 1 million euros ($1.14 million) to the building of the automobile repairing discipline.

To make sure the international education acclimatized to local circumstances, Socol and his colleagues investigated the local market and companies and designed practical courses for students.

The international education has also brought many opportunities for the teachers' development. Over the past seven years, over 20 foreign experts have been invited to have exchanges with the school's teachers. "The cooperation has opened a new window for us," said Ji Zhihui, president of the polytechnic.

In September of 2011, the project welcomed the first group of students. Today, every student from the international project is in an advantageous position to find a job in the automobile industry upon graduating.


Carlo Socol, one of the winners of this year's West Lake Friendship Award, East China's Zhejiang government's highest honor for foreigners who have contributed to the province's development. [Photo/zjol.com.cn]